
Bonjour and welcome to my website! For way too long I have wanted to have a place to write about my adventurLisa_SunflowersCroppedes in Paris and post my pictures, and now I have finally taken the plunge! Yikes—it’s cold in here! However, according to my Lululemon bag, I’m supposed to do something everyday that scares me, well, this would be it for a while!

My name is Lisa Michaux, known by my neighbors in my Paris apartment as Madame Michaux. I had a particularly nasty neighbor downstairs, we will just call him Monsieur Quatrième Étage (Mr. 4th Floor to my 5th floor), who didn’t appreciate that I wanted to look good in Paris and would wear my heels in the apartment. When he saw me he would say my name and accent each and every syllable while shaking his finger at me—Ma ´Dame ´ Mi ´Chaux—did I say that he didn’t like me very much??—so, I decided to take his condescending treatment of my gorgeous married name and make it a beautiful thing 🙂 Merci Monsieur!

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